Saturday, May 17, 2008

In the begining...

Today was our local Historical home tour/ quilt show / art in the park. I really wanted to go and knew that the girls would rather die then go walk around looking at quilts. So when we got up and the girls were watching cartoons, I said:

"Ok it's Saturday morning, time to do your cleaning chores"
Of course this was met with a chorus of "Oh man, do we have to?" to which I replied:

"I guess we can skip our chores if you would like to go to the quilt show downtown" they all suddenly became very excited about going to see quilts!

I think they actually enjoyed it. Haley loved learning how to do traditional rug hooking, she has informed me that she wants to be a hooker. When we got home she went right to the computer to Google information about rug hooking. I told her that she has to finish one of her 2 crochet projects before she can start hooking. I on the other hand love hooked rugs and now that I have seen how easy they are to make I plan to start rug hooking... even though I have several unfinished quilts at home.

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